Film noir follows a very original and dark theme, being a genre in itself it has its own conventions that most if not all film noir movies include. Here is a list of generic conventions used within film noir:
Narrative Devices
Narrative Devices
- Convoluted story lines,
- Flashbacks,
- Voiceover narration,
- First person narrative.
- Corrupt cops,
- Heroes/anti-heroes,
- Hard hearted detectives,
- The 'lone wolf',
- Crooks,
- Gangsters,
- Jealous husbands,
- Women with an appetite for wealthy, older men,
- Alienated protagonists,
- Chauvinist males.
- Dark sidewalks,
- Rain drenched streets,
- Flashing neon signs,
- Hostile/villainous citys,
- Guns,
- Alcohol/alcoholics,
- Fedora/trilbies,
- Suits,
- Trench coats,
- Abandoned warehouses,
- Dark rooms with light slicing through venetian blinds,
- Alleys cluttered with garbage,
- Run down bars,
- Lounges,
- Gambling Dens,
- Industrial settings - refineries, factories and train yards,
- Nightclubs.
I will now try to include as many of these conventions as i can in my short film, as it would give it a true noir feel to it. From looking over the list i specifically want to include a voiceover narration, a hard hearted detective, dark sidewalks, fedoras and dodgy alleys.